Those £lowers, take them away They're only funeral decoration This is The Fall and this is the drudge nation Your decadent sins will reap discipline New puritan You shook me I wash every day but still it's But still it's unclean unclean I have saved a thousand souls You cannot even save your own I'm soaked in blood but always good It's like I've drunk myself sober I get better as I get older MR James be born be born Yog Sothoth rape me lord Sludge hai choi [blah blah] Van Greenway [blah blah] Van Greenway [blah blah] Sludge hai choi [blah blah] Yog Sothoth rape me lord Van Greenway (blab blab] Yog Sothoth rape me lord Sludge hai choi [blah blah] Sludge hai choi [blah blah] This is the second half of spectre versus rector The rector lived in Hampshire You probably know this if you've got the record So we're like er breaking it in easy for you Yog Sothoth rape me lord Van Greenway [blah blah] Sludge hai choi [blah blah] Van Greenway [blah blah] Hero and inspector walk from the scene Is the hero banished forever? The spectre The spectre The spectre The spectre possesses the hero But the possession is ineffectual But the possession is ineffectual The possession is ineffectual The rector is half insane The hero goes back into the mountains the hero goes back into the mountains Singing The spectre is omnipresent The spectre is omnipresent Yog Sothoth rape me lord Van Greenway [blah blah] Sludge hai choi [blah blah] Van Greenway [blah blah] This song is a story But the story is too hard to relate You can only tell stories nowadays if it's all down on paper And you can't do it with loud amplifiers The hero walks from the scene Is the spectre banished forever? The rector is half insane The hero goes back into the mountains Yog Sothoth rape me lord Van Greenway [blah blah] Sludge hai choi [blah blah] Sludge hai choi [blah blah] Sludge hai choi [blah blah] Sludge hai choi [blah blah] And your decadent sins will reap discipline And your decadent sins will reap discipline Hail the new puritan