What a dynamic entrance Put a block on the words This I hear on a train We had salmon on a bus At Epsom no races lost We don't bet we just take ['tec] Put a block on the words Got no check on the world Go and put a block on the works Listen boys and girls Just closer On the [clommererds] Just close off the words Put a block on the words The nine unknown men knew this Three sorts The first: along Louie's life The second: the complete restructure of your pretentious life Three: the only reason you know this Is that it was well documented But I say Put a block on the words Here's an independent chart moneyspinner For all you people who've come a long way Me and the guys played this for charity for spastics We played it 10000 times And raised 5 shillings and 7 and a half pence for charity Cary Grant's wedding Hail new puritan, righteous maelstrom Have you ever heard a Bill Haley LP What is this shit?