Hold the blades beneath a tongue Erratic yet precise, profoundly capable I have no patience for facades, nor tolerance of gods Who think themselves immune to penance, to karma I saw everything crumble right before your eyes Confessing to anguish no one could reverse Order subsides below the static skies Confining a body, desperate for the earth Life should never be finite, structured and designed This path a procession for a futile wake I sought to guide you out of lands divine So carelessly leading demons to the lake No, I reach up to the sun where the stars used to shine Are we drawn to the flame though we know it will set us ablaze? You’ve been drifting through forests, passive as the trees Submersed in illusions, fashioned through defense I am the wolf who stalks the shifting breeze And the ritual hunt, through madness, I commence You stood silently staring out at the debris As the monarch of fable, future cast in doubt Though you were fragile, through the atrophy The faintest of smiles danced upon your mouth Now that I know you wanted more Now that I know, I won’t see you again No, I reach up to the sun where the stars used to shine Are we drawn to the flame though we know it will set us ablaze? You were the constant, the anchor You were the shadow of her I saw her life in your smile This is the path she would choose