The day is done and it’s been too long It’s down to the pub where you belong We know you’re weary, tired and cold We are the sons of murphy A net?? Off the tow Two fine gentlemen don’t you know We are deterged at the rake and bow We are the sons of murphy ?Shaken? Bottles to the floor Are you takin’ your worries out the door And the?songs? Will shout,?shakes? Will poor (hey!) This is what you’re waiting for Liam’s the fiddler an’ carlin sings Of all triangles and fiery rings You hail along for you know one thing: We are the sons of murphy A fifteen points??????? You laugh an’ sing and chant and shout With all the sons of murphy ?Shaken? Bottles to the floor Are you takin’ your worries out the door And the?songs? Will shout,?shakes? Will poor (hey!) This is what you’re waiting for Ah jimmy’s me name and if I’m right Your?antiquity??? And now it’s time to say good night To all the sons of murphy So when the day’s been tiring and long It’s down to the pub where we belong And that’s the end of this?proxy? Song We are the sons of murphy ?Shaken? Bottles to the floor Are you takin’ your worries out the door We know your friends the?? More And the?songs? Will shout,?shakes? Will poor This is what you’re waiting for