Zoldon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reaper: Chalice of malice!!! (Destroyer: Drink from the blood overflowing the cup) Chalice of malice!!! (Destroyer: The liquid of hatred stirred into the broth) Chalice of malice!!! (Destroyer: The power of Zoldon is full to the top) Chalice of malice!!! (Destroyer: Unquenchable thirst is the murderous broth!) Zoldon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *** thirsty for death?*** Reaper: To his mouth, the chalice is lifted. His eyes fill with malice as he drains the cup, a toast to the darkness now binding him up - the beverage of souls has taken its toll. A murderous rage has taken him over, the music of metal now rains down like thunder! Reaper: The power of Zoldon, drink from the cup. The Chalice of Malice is full to the top!