The film was a bust, but we stayed to the ending Hair all a mussed but your clothes didn't look so bad And back on the street, the rain was descending In cold dirty sheets, so under the awning we sat And then you hailed yourself a yellow cab And I sat for a time by the valets in line And I read what you wrote on the card Above a cowboy you drew a big talk balloon saying "try not to take it so hard" but there's this nagging suspicion that won't leave me alone tonight its just that everything I try to do, nothing seems to turn out right We laid on our backs and stared at the ceiling Messed with your slacks, but ended up just holding your hand The rain will remain, the tv was telling a drip of the drain as your legs lifted brilliantly bent and fall to resting on the ottoman So we turned off the tube and we crawled to your room leaving discarded clothes in our wake and we both had some fun, though I twice bit my tongue and it lasted too long for my taste and there's this nagging suspicion that won't leave me alone tonight its just that everything I try to do, nothing seems to turn out right and there's this nagging suspicion that won't leave me alone tonight its just that everything I try to do, nothing seems to turn out right A wink and a wave and your off to your family's I sit and watch as the taxis lights distantly fade I guess I always thought it'd end this way