In the grey of yesterday A breeze blew over exposing A memory so small What is it here for Your virility, makes me forget empathy Dig your hole That's what we're here for To make you feel important cause you knew we were aborted It's the same things that we're saying all the time And they have have everything They kept there ribs, i'm sure of it It's what they're all about But getting inside counts Mass virility, has made me forget empathy Dig your hole It's what we're here for To make you feel important cause you knew we were aborted It's the same things that were saying all the time (they may be views , but they'll never be mine) The mid-shelf masturbation Leaves a smear on half the nation Its the same things that they're saying all the time Aaaaaahh Oh your virility, has made me forget empathy dig your hole its what they're here for To make you feel important cause you knew we were aborted its the same things that we're saying all the time The mid-shelf masturbation Leaves a smear on half the nation It's the same things that they're saying all the time