What doesn't kill me can only make me stronger If this was killing me, would you stop? I have never feared a stranger Because only friends can stab me in the front So if this is the last night That we'll be Officially In love Then you shold know I have no regrets It was too damn hard When push came to shove I packed up Your things I have enough In my dreams Pictures fade And love remains Until the day You're here again I always loved your beautiful smile The sparkle in your eyes, and the funny things you'd do I'm sorry that things turned out the way they did I'd do it all again, for another night with you You necklace reminds me Of everything we did It's stupid I know But i'll still wonder If you'd invite me To your wedding Because i'd really like to go A bruised heart Your hurt pride It won't be On my mind It's all been done Not why but how Don't look back It's over now Song's over now, my comfort is gone