This is the story of Stuart the sailor He was a whaler who mastered the seas Strong and respected, he fought and protected All the dejected and down on their knees He was a lover unlike any other Daughters and mothers would faint when he smiled But it was false interest, the sea was his mistress He stuck to his business on the ocean wild Oh Sailor Stu! What a man was he Strong and true Standing up for you and for me Although truth be told He was just a bit insane But strong and bold And we shall honour his name I still remember one icy December A lad was dismembered from fightin' a squid Stuart made arms from an old rusty steel drum And he attached them to that limbless kid Once we were viewin' a storm that was brewin' We were pursuin' a deadly typhoon Stuart just laughed as the men headed aft Screaming 'this man is daft, sending us to our doom' Oh Sailor Stu! What a man was he Some loose screws But standing up for you and for me Although truth be told He was just a bit insane But strong and bold And we shall honour his name Several years later, he sailed to Decater Ordered potaters and bolts for a snack He called himself Shirley and drew on his belly By then we could tell he had finally cracked Now he resides in a mental asylum He's been there a while but he's doing okay The ship ain't the same since old Stu went insane But it's now far more tame and we like it that way Oh Sailor Stu! What a man was he He went cuckoo Standing up for you and for me He was strong and bold But totally insane But those years were gold And never lame