The Clash

Overpowered By Funk

The Clash

Tom: B

                               OVERPOWERED BY FUNK
                        (From the 1982 Album COMBAT ROCK)

Words and Music by Strummer/Jones
Transcribed by Wes T. (*)

Gtr I (E A D G B E) - Chorus/Delay (16th note regenerations)
Gtr II (E A D G B E) - Distortion

  Gtr I

     E11                Bm7      E11         Abm7
|   Gtr II

   F7                  Cm7      F7

     E7                 D        E7

  F#             Dmaj7          C#m7

     E11                Bm7      E11         Abm7
|   Gtr II

  F#               Dmaj7            C#m7


   "Car crashed!"
      Em7             F#m7                 Em7
|   PM--------------------------------------------------|

      E7                     E7
|   PM---------------------------------|

   "Overdrunk on power..."


Tablature Legend
  ~   - vibrato
 PM  - palm muting

Misc Legend
 |  - bar
||o - repeat start
o|| - repeat end

Please note that the above transcription is a loose interpretation of the song, so feel
free to fool around with the chords and strumming patterns.  E-mail me if you have any
questions, comments, or corrections.

* Generated using Power Tab Editor by Brad Larsen - http://* *