The Carter Family

Heaven's Radio

The Carter Family

Tom: A

               A                        D             A
    There's a wonderful invention, it's called the radio
    you can hear it everywhere you chance to go.
              A                          D                A
    But the static in the air sometimes makes it hard to hear,
                            E         A
    but it is not so with heaven's radio

Heaven's radio on the other shore,
for my precious savior always listens in,
          A                      D              A
it's the same old radio that was used long time ago,
                       E              A
for my precious savior always listens in.

           A                            D                   A
    Daniel in the lion's den with this power should surely win,
    for my precious savior always listens in,
            A                           D                     A
    and I know without a doubt  honest prayers will bring you out,
                           E              A
    for my precious savior always listens in.

Heaven's radio on the other shore,
for my precious savior always listens in,
          A                      D              A
it's the same old radio that was used long time ago,
                       E              A
for my precious savior always listens in.

             A                              D               A
    Well, He set the Hebrews three from the fiery furnace free,
    as my precious savior always listens in.
            A                         D                  A
    He will rescue you today in that same old fashioned way,
                           E              A
    for my precious savior always listens in.

Heaven's radio on the other shore,
for my precious savior always listens in,
          A                      D              A
it's the same old radio that was used long time ago,
                       E              A
for my precious savior always listens in.