The Carter Family

Grave On The Green Hill Side

The Carter Family

Tom: A

              A                     D
    There's a little grave on the green hillside
          A                   E
    that lies to the morning sun,
             A                   D
    and the way-worn feet often wander there,
              E                    A
    when the cares of the day are done.
        D                     A
    We sometimes sit in the twilight fall
    and talk of a far off land,
           A                     D
    and I sometimes feel in the twilight there
         E                   A
    the touch of a vanished hand.

  A                           E
Grave on the green hillside, grave on the green hillside,
         A                    D
in the years to come we will calmly sleep -
       E                     A
in a grave on the green hillside.

              A                    D
    And this land is full of these little graves
            A                  E
    in the valleys, plains and hills,
                A                    D
    there's an angel, too, for each little grave,
        E               A
    an angel so mission-filled.
        D                 A
    I know not how but I sometimes think
    that they lead us with gentle hands,
            A                 D
    and a whisper falls on a willing ear
               E                 A
    from the shore of a far off land.

  A                           E
Grave on the green hillside, grave on the green hillside,
         A                    D
in the years to come we will calmly sleep -
       E                     A
in a grave on the green hillside.

( A D A E A D E A )

               A                     D
    And these little graves are the wayside marks
          A                 E
    that point to a far off land,
               A                    D
    and they speak to the soul of a better day,
          E                  A
    of a day that's near at hand.
               D                       A
    Though we first must walk through dark, some fail,
     yet Christ will be our guide,
              A                  D
    we will reach the shore of a far off land
                E                   A
    through a grave on a green hillside.

  A                           E
Grave on the green hillside, grave on the green hillside,
         A                    D
in the years to come we will calmly sleep -
       E                     A
in a grave on the green hillside.