I went one Sunday evening my true love for to see I asked her to marry and she would not answer me The night is almost ended tis near the break of day I'm waiting for an answer oh what will you say Dear sir if I must tell you I choose the single life I never thought it soothing for me to be your wife Then take this for your answer and for yourself provide I have another lover and you must be denied In the course of six weeks later this lady's mind did change She wrote me a letter kind sir I feel ashamed I feel as though I slighted you I cannot hear you mourn So here's my heart come take it and claim it as your own I wrote her back an answer I sent it back in speed I only once did love you I loved you dear indeed But since my mind has changed me I seek another way Upon some pretty fair maiden my heart will have its place Upon some pretty fair maiden my heart shall have its fill This world is wide and lonely if one wont another one will