Is it not of any significance, That you've sold your soul to the loony bin? Cos its got the whole world, Dribbling at the chin. Your tie's too short, what a novelty. These dyslexic accountants on ecstasy, They must come from London, There's talk of redundancies. If you want, I'll spare you a pointless view. Things look grey, And we all look like we're ready to cry to death. I seem to forget what's important, When I am tempted by junk food, and lying in. I wake up at midday, and my face is bleeding again. If you want, I'll spare you a pointless view. Things look grey, And we all look like we're ready to cry to death. You'll be stocking up on cigarettes, Till there's a nuclear warhead in your neck, And your dreams will get quite frightening, When both your lungs are tightening. If you want, I'll spare you a pointless view. Things look grey, And we all look like we're ready to cry to death.