I'm a gangster of love, but baby that's what you made me for a natural human desire, you can't supress when the law is too strict, one might have the feeling he can't breathe when the fence is too high, a hole makes your flight a success don't stash me away, like something you make no use of don't let spiderwebs and dust be, our love's last coat have no fear of the water, you might have to jump in it may not be clean, but it's not poisened by soap (Chorus): legalize love � express yourself legalize love � don't put it on a shelf legalize love � baby help yourself legalize love what are you saving up, your qualities for what precious target, makes you pay this price you are no bounty, this is to be your harvest accept your luck, before it slips away, if you're wise your skin looks soft, every viewer has to admit but it's hard like a shell, I regret to say it's tough enough to face the wind and water but every shell will open up, one day