A land which is split by its errors, Upon which sit the feet of a man, Looking for the answers by losing himself A finger trailing lightly from hand The remnant of his good arm sitting loose over bloodied knees A victim to ones nature once more, a victim only to me. The remnant of his good arm sitting loose A victim to ones nature once more, a victim only to me. Wind kicks up dust and a feather lands on his position Along with the smell of decay The unambitious soul looks down no longer, No longer in disarray As curiosity and confusion lead him to rise The fear strikes him down once again For upon one side of these fertile lands, The spawns of a nocturnal army take shape across the plane And arrive of flesh and flame A tremble takes over his working hand As it makes its way across his brow Liquid trepidation falls from him and impacts an earthly low He looks upon its watery reflection And sees in it a swords projection Falling from the sky and landing in this lake. A choice to make... some lives to take... Along with the weapon came the choirs of the light, In armory, with wings of gold, for he do these angels fight Streaming down from their positions they rush the darker army And the darkness in turn advances The meeting point... the juncture... The decision inside us all... Now faced with but two options, one man. Touching one finger, to the sword The time has come for the hero inside us all to rise For even those born of nothing will be looking to the skies.