We We are (ar ar ar ar ar...) We We are... And, uh, here come some normals... they look like normal... Hawaiians. Well, uh, you didn't mention what month. You think you're normal? Yes, quite normal. OK, here comes one. Go inside! (tee hee hee) Well it's, ah, it's not for me to deter really, is it? I mean it's for a psychiatrist to deter these things, isn't it? I like dehre food, and dey arr veddy nice people. Ooh, itsalright, innit? That a face? Smart. It's your backside. Oh, they're just typically normal. No! This is not manly! Well, it is unusual. Well, it's like a rabbit! He's got a head onhim like a rabbit! I don't know, it's just not like normal people do. You're not runnin' around in your underpants are you? We are normal and we want our freedom We are normal and we want our freedom Wir sind gewöhnlich, wir sind zufrieden We are normal and we dig Bert Weedon, ha ha! We are normal and we want Our freedom Our freedom Freedom! Freedom! Freedom! We are normal and we want our freedom!