The Bonzo Dog Band

My Pink Half of the Drain Pipe

The Bonzo Dog Band

You who speak to me across the fence 
Of common sense 
How your tomato plant will win a prize, 
won't that be nice, 
And by the way, how's your wife? 
Your holidays were spent in Spain 
You went by train 
You'll go again 

Have you seen me bullfight poster on the wall? 
Do you know the 'appy memory it recalls? 
Here's a photograph of me and my son, Ted 
That's me cousin with his hanky on his head! 
We booked in at our 'otel just after two 
And met a family from Bradford that we knew 

Oooh, a melody! Burp! 

My pink half of the drainpipe 
Separates next door from me 
My pink half of the drainpipe 
Oh, Mama! 
Belongs to me 

Rodney's vain saxaphone solo, as promised 

My pink half of the drainpipe 
Semi-detach-ed, ah! 
My pink half of the drainpipe 
Oh, Mama! 
Belongs to moi 

I have a sister in Toronto who's a nurse 
And I've had a bit of bother laying turf 
It's life, not books, that taught me all I've learned 
Woop, in the b'oven my rice pudding's getting burned! 
'Ere, have you seen the new attachment on me drill? 
I must have the cat put down, 'cause he's ill 

Hey, neighbour! 

My pink half of the drainpipe 
I may paint it blue 
My pink half of the drainpipe 
Keeps me safe from 

I'm a wobbly jelly, you're a pink blancmange 
I'm a sherry trifle, you're a chocolate sponge 
Your dad wears a paper hat, mine inflates balloons 
Whoops! Boodly boop!  Pop!  Here comes a spoon! 

My pink half of the drainpipe 
Separates me from the incredibly fascinating story of your life and 
every day to day event in all it's minute and tedious attention to 
detail... And was it a Thursday or a Wednesday? Or, oh, no, it wasn't though. Oh, 
who cares anyway because I do not so Norman, if you're normal, I intend to 
be a freak for the rest of my life, and I shall baffle you with cabbages 
and rhinoceroses in the kitchen incessant quotations from "Now We Are 
Six" through the mouthpiece of Lord Snooty's giant poisoned electric 
