The Blast Processors

For Family Slain

The Blast Processors

Golden Axe

Three mighty heroes fighting through the grey
Though countless minions try and block their way

Dwarf, elf and human

Conquering foes to win Death Adder's throne
Sword, axe and magic cutting to the bone

Dwarf, elf and human

Golden Axe (Golden Axe, whoa-oh)
For family slain

Golden Axe (Golden Axe, whoa-oh)
Not in vain

You hide in jungles cross the ocean teal
It matters not you shall not stay our steel

Dwarf, elf and human

So join the three unto this final fray
Their task - to fight and die this day

Dwarf, elf and human

Golden Axe (Golden Axe, whoa-oh)
For family slain

Golden Axe (Golden Axe, whoa-oh)
Not in vain