'Twas the evening 'fore a trip across the water I'd arranged a romance with the Squire's daughter I became apoplectic Learning she's narcoleptic The night would become my crewmates' fodder Pheasant, prunes, turnips, I prepared a feast Wine from Portugal she didn't care in the least Of sips she took a few Yet never got to chew Before long she was snoring like a beast Now I hate my life on the open seas The salty water and dusty decks make me sneeze All I hoped was a night of bliss I couldn't even catch a kiss Instead I got to hear Rip Van Winkle wheeze Finally she stirred to life, refreshed, awake We then went to see what shadow puppets we could make A dog, a bunny, a swan We laughed 'till the flame was gone In darkness I found a slumber that could not be fake Revive, dear Suzanne, revive Your father will cry harlot Your maidens' cheeks will flush scarlet Revive! I threw the listless body into a carriage Mentioned the Squire's name and paid the fair-age In the morrow I return to sea Sixty men, four monkeys and me Never getting to know the secrets of marriage