Company measure your life in football seasons feel the passion and feel the heat. Football is the only reason god almighty gave us feet. Goal! Buy the ref a flipping guide dog! D'you call that a bleeding pass? Kick it out mate! What a ball hog! Dozy wanker shift your arse! Two nil! You dirty bastard. We'll have the last word. Come and have a go. Have some of that. You think you're hard but we know you're crap. Let's have another. Just like the other. Come on! Viva. The beautiful game. Raise your voice for the people's sport. Long live the bountiful game. Those who play. Those who support. Sick as a parrot. Over the moon. Score! A couple more for a wonderful game. A magical game. Thank god for football. Girls they're our lads and we support 'em. Come on then stick one in this time. Company it isn't a religion it's more important. Sacred holy and divine. Three nil! Nice one united we're all delighted. Girls no joy tonight, forget it again, my boyfriend's in love with eleven men. Company all sing together, comrades forever. Up yours! Viva. The beautiful game. It's what saturdays are for. Ooh ah. The triumph and pain. Work to live but live to score we're on our way now to wemberly. Up for the cup it's the classical game the marvellous game. Thank god for football. It's an obsession the reason we're here, 'cos it's better than sex and it's better than beer so viva! The emerald team! Mother mary's irish sons. Viva! The boys in green! Shout for ireland's youngest guns green is the colour soccer the game. Score! A thousand more for the boys in green. The emerald team; playing for ireland, playing for ireland! Goal!