So you win again Let's swim back again Before the rain happens here On our surface And tonight maybe getting drunk Right around here With just the fenceleaners Knowing where One always lose in the long run Anyhow Here one just waits around Hey don't break my neck Fooling around like that Don't come mess around This is my shell where i'll stay So you've lost again Let's stay indoors today Here on lover's lane With open windows Rain tickles toes, Goes up spine and mind Please change your mind Please stay and wait for me The kitchen breeders know Happiness is known to happen Even here It's just the "you got to" But i guess you have to live here To notice Hey don't break my neck Fooling around like that Don't come mess around This is my shell where i'll stay Hey don't break my neck Fooling around like that Don't come mess around This is my shell where i'll stay