Tom: A A G People look when they pass by. D C I know they want it, all that's mine. A G Stepping over those who shy. D C They can make their lovers cry. (chorus 2x) B A "Oh, how do you feel?" E D "Oh, how do you feel?" A G D C She's been for three days without a meal. A G Good looking, looking good. D C She knows she could. A G "Lose some weight!" (chorus 2x) B A "Oh, how do you feel?" E D "Oh, how do you feel?" A G She's so wasted D C And they can't wait. A G He looks at us strange. D C And we're so out of his range. A G We've got something. D C He's got his boyish good look. A G We're not fancy. D C We've got our tricks. A G He's souch a pansy. D C But he's got his chicks. A G So stay away from me! D C Leave alone my little life. A G Leave the best for those who can. D C Stay away from me. [4X]