Tom: C C F C Everybody's tellin' me what to do, and I, I can't choose. C F C And everybody wants control, to hang me up by their noose. BRIDE: (One-Strums) Am C F C But if they only knew they'd laugh and dance like fools. F C F C If they only knew souls cannot be fooled. CHORUS: (Return to normal strums) C F C Power hungry animals, let 'em eat if they want to! C C Let my soul now rest in peace, F C C/B because I know the One who holds the Truth BRIDE: (One-Strums) F C F C If they only knew, they'd laugh and dance like fools F C F C If they only knew that Souls can not, Souls cannot be fooled. OUTRO: (Faster strumming) C F C Souls can not, Souls cannot be fooled! (6X) (End with one C strum)