Feel all the water, Barry Sharks out here, boy Protect your feet, yeah Yeah, yeah It's chum inside the water It's chum inside the water Uh It's chum inside the water, I could sense it like a shark My ampullae of Lorenzini sharp Daddy take flight, five hours, change weather like HAARP, uh It's got me all up in my feelings, I'm feeling unappreciated Too many hands up in my gumbo Fuck around, I'll throw some bleach in your gumbo Flee leaping a tunnel, leave sheep asleep in a bundle The reaper coming I gotta say some crazy shit Use the other part of your brain, don't be lazy, bitch I still got the same face from '86 My whip keep the military radar on the fritz, shit The men throw out the chum The fish squirm about the delectable morsel But there's nothing chummy about the way they're caught Which is very unusual for a yacht like that It really has everything, that's right If that isn't enough, why not add a helicopter Complete with its very own hangar?