Yeah, you know You know, it's just another motherfuckin' day at the office for me Know what I'm sayin'? Greatness is always the motherfuckin' bar Never go below it Know what I'm sayin'? Straight up Pimpire shit Yo Eternal life's what the pen granted us I took my destiny in my own hands, I never wait for no man to sell me no fantasies with fairy dust Blood don't make us family, but they ain't made a paintbrush that can change my character That's shade, too many grey areas The game ain't no dame to be marryin' Crazy, old lady scandalous Late on the train ramblin' Always saying some randomness Don't get your place ran up in Lately I'm playing with paper like I'm Blake Carrington Eight carat ring, make it glamorous Blatant arrogance Break the phallus off of naked Africans Ride, crack your factory rim The Gallery trench get to flappin' in the wind Had to factor that in My fashion sense is that of a pimp Scallops and battered shrimp Tear up a rapper like some bad kids unraveling gifts (Mmm) Moved a gang of base, but we not talking no 808s (Nope) I'm definitely in my bag, but this ain't no potato sack race I'm laughin' to the bank as if I had access to the safe Ain't no half steppin' like Daddy Kane Stepped on the 'caine, but now that's bad yay Came out the microwave beige like Shane Battier This my lane, they got daddy DNA The battery in your back may need to be changed, but the fabric can't be replaced Fired the K at a higher accuracy rate Played the part and then passed the rock to my teammate, he jump high like D Wade I'm still dominatin' the league after ten seasons The brick that I've been squeezin' is seasoned These is lyrics to sink your teeth in, the inks leakin' Police said the heater had my fingerprints, but I cleaned it But I cleaned it My bitch had powder hidden in her cleavage, I'm a hedonist Little Mrs. Mischevious, this the missing ingredient I'm channeling B.I.G. without a spiritual medium I'm channeling B.I.G. without a spiritual medium That's for everybody, you know? You either gon' get with it or you not Talk to me I'ma be here, I'ma be everywhere You with me? You either with me all the way or you not