[Guilty Simpson] The demonstration of who the best is, stresses When I inflict your death wish, check this Before I check you, and tell you What the rest knew already, we get it heavy Moneybags'll crack the axle on your Chevy Get ready, prepare for the truth I double dare one to double cross me, bleed the booth You can't flee, pursuit, we run 'em down Blindfold 'em, line 'em up, gun 'em down Even when I fuck around I don't fuck around My life work'll leave your life hurt Smell the perpetrator, yeah, I smell like purp Dirt do it do you dirty and give you back to earth For what it's worth find another turf Before you work learn to hustle first Cotton mouth with a hunger thirst I drain Henny till I'm full, the raging bull Tote mossbergs and yell pull! Aim it at your chestplate, call him lead face You get crumbs when the bread breaks I get big chunks, and rob rich chumps Don't get found in a ditch slumped We running at a thoroughbred's pace Pump your breaks, I'll see you at the wake nigga