Where my scriptures at? You know when you fuckin' with me, you fuckin' with the best The best in the business, bitch The fuck you niggas talkin' 'bout? You already know what it is, nigga The Illustrious Pimpire, bitch I'm in a class by myself like I've been homeschoolin' (Doly) Niggas is so influenced, might as well try and clone a human (Do it) Ironic, I'm an honor student, but I'm goin' stupid (Goin' stupid) Every screw in my mind's loosened, no bullshit Five big Cuban links, I feel like the Ruler Rick (Heavy) Ain't no rules in this bitch, hip-hop's to me like a nudist beach (Uh) What I do with the loose leaf is immune to critique I just do my thing, I ain't lose a wink of beauty sleep (Not at all) I mean, what's all the fuss about? Niggas bit so I switched to my other style, my understudies is bucklin' down Wow, I've been stayin' ahead of the curve, respect I earned A nerd, a bookworm can't express it with words NY City, they figure we high, sadiddy I feel like I'm Diddy, you kiddy, still suckin' on mama titty (Take that) When I think about the guys that's not with me That got shot, died by the semi I forgot how many, my ears got teary (Damn) These lines are honest, not theory My mind is my most prized jewelry When the mic is near me, you shittin' them tight Mike Amiris (Uh) I'm still writin' this shit with fury (Fury) You still ain't even popped a cherry (Popped a cherry) Pop your belly like a bottle of '87 Sherry Whatever else necessary, it's scary Shit was hot and heavy, but I never got sweaty (Never) Not even while the body was bein' buried (Mmm) Pimpstead, nigga You know, this shit ain't even fair