The Alchemist

A Soul Assassins Tale

The Alchemist

[Store owner]
This the kid, Sonny
Don't frighten him

[Man, Alchemist]
How you doing, kid?
We finally meet face-to-face
Are you afraid of me?
That's good. What's your name?
(Laughter) That's a big name. You got a nickname or somethin'?
What do your friends call you?
What are you a Laker fan?
Sit down
Come over here, sit over here next to me
So you must be pretty upset the Lakers lost last year
I hate 'em
They made Kobe Bryant cry
The paper said he was crying
Kobe Bryant? Is that what you're upset about?
Kobe Bryant makes twelve millions dollars a year. How much does your father make?
I don't know
You don't know? See if your father can't pay the rent, go ask Kobe Bryant
See what he tells you
Kobe Bryant don't care about you
So why should you care about him? Nobody cares, kid
Can I ask you something?
Did you shoot that man over a parking space?
When you get older you'll understand

From that day on, I never felt the same way about the Lakers again