Tom: G but it probably'd be better for you to actually hear the song for the proper timing I tried). (STD TUNE) Drumbeat intro Prelude A5 // // / / C5/ B5/ A5 // // / / C5/ B5/ A5 // // / / C5/ B5/ A5////// / / C5/ B5/ MAIN VERSE 1)-----------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------| 2)-----------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------| 3)-----------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------| 4)-----------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------| 5)-0---3-5-3-+-0--0-3-5-3-+-7--7-7-7--+-5-5-5-5-----------------------------| 6)-----------+------------+-----------+----------3-3------------------------| O I R I O O I R I P P P P R R R R I I and Mabel and Biddie See them on the beach or in New York City Tina , Louise and Hazel and Mavis CHORUS (REPEAT TWICE) A5 C5 A5 // // C5 / / B5/ A5 / / / / C5 / / B5/ 1)--------------------------------------------------------------------------| 2)--------------------------------------------------------------------------| 3)--------------------------------------------------------------------------| 4)----2----5------------2--x-2--x-2--5--5-5--4-4-2--x-2--x-2--5--5-5--4-4---| 5)--0-0--0-3--3-5---0-+-0--x-0--x-0--3--3-3--2-2-0--x-0--x-0--3--3-3--2-2---| 6)----------------3---+-----------------------------------------------------| can you name, name name name them today MAIN VERSE Wanda and Janet and Ronnie and Re -eee -eee These are the girls of the USA The principle girls of the USA Chorus MAIN VERSE OOOO Kate and Cindy and Crystal and Candy Mercedes And Joan Betty and Brenda (tom fill 1) Suzy and Anita (tom fill 2) and Phoebe These are the girls of the USA The principle girls of the USA CHORUS OUTRO 1)----------+------------+----------+----------------------------------------| 2)----------+------------+----------+----------------------------------------| 3)----------+------------+----------+----------------------------------------| 4)----------+------------+----------+----------------------------------------| 5)-0--3-5-3-+-0--0-3-5-3-+-0--3-5-3-+-0--0-3-5-3-----------------------------| ETC... 6)----------+------------+----------+----------------------------------------| O I R I O O I R I O I R I O O I R I A5 / G5 // //A5/ G5 A5 / G5 // //A5/ G5 A5 G5 C5 G5 (end)