Transfixed to altars of dead I'm crave for shake off dread Dark spirit as nightmare of death Encroaching. Control my fear Darkness emaciating my mind Into tessaract schizophrenia Remains of brain got to drip Suppuration without anesthesia Growling of dead, erosion of mind Corpses dust as sign of grave Calling to death through expire Fear drive my insane Gloom in vacuity burning gory Gabble oligophrens of dungeon That suck my reason as ghouls And climb to me waiting to dragging Decomposed bastards of grave Rising from them to killing me Master of evil drive my insane And control my fear Transfixed to altars of dead Tormented by schizophrenia Smell of grave, vision in red In febrile. Control my fear Fume from accursed graves Is stench of feast dead slaves I'm crave for lord save me For shake off control by fear... ... Or die in fright! Growling of dead, erosion of mind Corpses dust as sign of grave Calling to earth through expire Fear drive my insane This gabble - Insanity This screeching - Entreaty This dangerous for - Humanity Satan infection - Control by fear