The muthafuckin' brain bug I'm done givin' hugs Done givin a fuck about a set of buns Or the bitch they belong to Spreadin news like fumes Hop out tha dark and twist you like a rubix cube Ain’t rep a set, ain’t got a jet, no chain yet But I'll cut ya legs off and wear em' round my neck So you can crawl ya bitch ass all the way back to mommy And tell her all about the human tsunami Who the fuck is next to bite the end of my bat? Then ask ya self how Terror Reid got moves like that Well I'm a pimp with a limp, cookin bitches like garlic shrimp Ya fuck around and catch a brick to ya lip Cuz I don't play that shit bitch Gun me down I'll bet ya miss 'cuz It's the triple six in the mix Straight from H-E-double-hockey sticks And what the fuck is this? Ya probably spent ya whole label check on ya wrist In other news The pews are still huge and filled with soon to be doomed Confused goons with loose screws and skewed views On life tools and whatever else Using kiddy-lovin’ elders to better they selves Well here's a newsflash, it's 2017 and we ain't dead yet But that bitch in the back row could be gone any second Go ahead and eat the bread you callin' Body of Christ And sacrifice ya life, you’ll burn in hell if you don't act right This shit's a fuckin' scam and half the nation's brainwashed Time to seperate the wicked ones at all costs Ya lost bitch and so are ya kids Ya closed minded simple fucks bout' To be the shits that ends all this It's all a lie There's no magic guy in the sky Waiting for you when you die So open your eyes, is you high? I mean I should fuckin' know I've already died 5 times I swear to shit Matter of fact Make it 6 You know, people don't even wanna know the truth! People don't wanna know the truth in the Bible! Do you wanna turn the channel? Go ahead fool, turn the channel! If you wanna learn something about God Shut your mouth and listen to me for a minute Lemme say something about Harry Potter! Warlocks are enemies of God And I don't care what hero they are They're an enemy of God And if it hadn't been in the Old Testament Harry Potter would have been put to death! Do you believe in evolution? Um, no What do you believe? That God created the world Who told you that? Um, my parents