The unseen paths surround me once again Driven by obscurest visions, the falling rain, That guides me through my ways at night Uncovers my soul, the pale flickering light. Darkness - I fall into your arms, Arise, sweet night, to never leave. Silence - still blazing in my soul, Thy solitude is my relief. Rising - the fallen one, To the firmament of light's demise Burning - the tears are dried, Within scarlet gleaming eyes. A wanderer I am, in deserts arcane An unsung poem, a melody unheard A roaming soul, a flowing stream In a vault of memories trembling, scared. So let my spirits awake, feed my hunger inside, Unleash deepest forces, my unsung anthems of night, Bring forth the strength, I once fell but i'm rising from pain, The darkness that gleams in my eyes Will be burning again. ...I see the coming dawn, it's mine, I see the velvet flickering shine That slowly creeps at the end of the view And swallows the stars that nightly grew. From scarlet darkness to arise Again the will that still defies.