Tom: Bb So.....ive been looking for this tab Forever. And nobody had it right. It sorta got on nerves so i decided i would try and figure it out. This is my first tab so go easy on me. tabbed this song from a live performance they did, because its my favorite version of Here's the link just in case you want to hear it or just watch it. http://*?v=aznNG7OVpsw In the video i know Tegan does not have a capo on her 3rd fret, but her guitar is also differently. So for this version capo on 3rd for a better sound. **Capo the 3rd Fret** Verse (listen to song for struming pattern) |----------------------| |----------------------| |-----9----------5-----| |-----9----------5-----| |-----7----------3-----| |-----x----------x-----| I like to mute the E string with my middle finger. Chorus |--------------------| |--------------------| |-------------5------| |----5--------5------| |----5--------3------| |----3--------x------| Interlude With Guitar Solo |----------------------| |----------------------| |-----9----------5-----| |-----9----------5-----| |-----7----------3-----| |-----x----------x-----| Its just like the verse. Ending Chorus |----------------------------------| |----------------------------------| |-------------5----------9---------| |----5--------5----------9---------| |----5--------3----------7---------| |----3--------x----------x---------| Its just the chorus again, but the last note goes to the very first chord of the song. ***Second Guitar*** Also Capo on 3rd Fret Intro *|----7-----| *|----8-----|(listen for strumming pattern) *|----9-----| *|----9-----| |----7-----| |----7-----| I find it musch easier to play this Barre Chord, but Just hit the last 4 strings. Chorus |--------------------| |--------------------| |-------------5------| |----5--------5------| |----5--------3------| |----3--------x------| If using an electric like in video that this is tabbed it once and let it ring.....dont overpower the acoustic. Interlude/Solo |------------------------------------------------------------------| |------------------------------------------------------------------| |----11~-----7h9-9~-----9h11-11~-------7h9-9~-----9h11-11~---------| |------------------------------------------------------------------| |------------------------------------------------------------------| |------------------------------------------------------------------| Repeat however many times needed. Ending Chorus *|----7-----| *|----8-----| *|----9-----| *|----9-----| |----7-----| |----7-----| It goes back to this the first time through the "I'd spend all night sleep......." Then goes back to the regular Chorus |---------------------| *|------7---------| |---------------------| *|------8---------| Just like regular chorus |-------------5-------| *|------9---------| but just like the 1st part |----5--------5-------| *|------9---------| you go up on the very last |----5--------3-------| |------7---------| note. |----3--------x-------| |------7---------| I really hope that my tab help out anyone who wanted to learn this song. Remember its my first tab, so leave comments so my next ones can be better.