Ted Leo And The Pharmacists

Under The Hedge

Ted Leo And The Pharmacists

Oh I've been sometimes under your wall. 
Keeping it out where I'm not welcome. 
I've seen you one time stumble and fall 
but I still love you, you see? 
I've been five times back to the well 
seeking to turn myself in something. 
But you can't teach what you can't sell 
and I'm not the only one it seems. 

I still would say if you asked "it's built on bonding." 
But others will take it out and leave you wanting. 
I know you've done this before to them 
but here's where it ends and where I stand. 
You can't hold onto yourself 
for I have got your holy head in my hands. 

And I've been a long time out at your wall 
seeking to call you back from over. 
Cause when you're out there you seem so tall, 
but you're not the only one you'll see.

Still I'd say if you asked "it's built on bonding." 
But others will take it out and leave you wanting. 
I know you've done it before to them 
but here's where it ends and where I stand. 
You say you can't hold yourself back 
well I have got your safety head in my hands.

And I've been sometimes under your hedge. 
I ran like a rabbit from the rifles. 
You had me two times out on a ledge 
but I still love you, you see?