Oh, lonely day, oh, led astray, oh, burden on the land Oh always same, oh, nothing changed, oh, urge to bite the hand Withholding on your promise to the air Will only lead to something bad, I swear You can't escape the Angels' Share. Down again -- it seems a losing fight Yet, down again, I sit, to try to write An open letter to a President Or melodies to help a girl pay rent (We saved and saved, only to find them spent). When oh, the long road leads me to your door Feed me food and heal my health and offer me your floor There, you'll find me lying there in the morn. If I don't wake, you've got to let me go on. Let me go on my way. Do try. Get by. Because on and on, the tides are going to come As sure enough, they'll leave again as one As you and I, we will or won't be here As sure enough, the Angels take their share, but where? I'm not so sure I think it's fair. And I'm not so sure I think they care.