So sad and depressed and confused So long so relentlessly abused My heart is overflowing with pain My eyes are shedding tears like rain Empty and saddened by life Heartbeat brings misery and strife It seems like there is no point for me To continue to exist in this reality I cannot argue with destiny When I too understand your misery Unable to cope and unable to breathe Falling apart and there is no reprieve Release me or drug me Because with time comes deterioration Contemplating my last will and testament For I feel my time is coming soon When there will be no will to live on Will I be remembered when I am gone? Atop a building up high in the sky Make like a bird and feel myself fly The last thing I see is the sky falling away These are my final thoughts Death seduce me with your darkness embrace The light fades away in my own dark abyss The answers to questions, a feeling of peace These are my final thoughts In each of us resides thoughts of suicide When life is just tired you can exit this life Fear not death for it is a transition The right to die by your own choice Life is really not so significant