Some do the River Dance Some do the Salsa Dance Some do the Chicken Dance I do the Can't Dance Some do the Square Dance Some do the Circle Dance Some do the Sun Dance I do the Can't Dance Gonna be goin out Nobody findin' out Makin' me bust a move? I never got my groove [Chorus] Do the Can't Dance Can't Dance your pants off Can't Dance Show all your friends off Can't Dance Shakin' the club up Can't Dance Don't let the beat stop Can't Dance No one but you now Can't Dance Nobody knows how Can't Dance Make it your birthday can't Dance Make it your own way [Repeat] Hey! Everybody does the can't dance I don't care what people say Grandma does the can't dance Cool kids to the can't dance Fido does the can't dance Some do the Fast Dance Some do the Slow Dance Some do the Tap Dance I do the Can't Dance Some do the Rain Dance Some do the Snow Dance Some do the Cool Dance I do the Can't Dance Gotta be lookin' sweet Cause you about to meet Someone to make you happy Don't wanna look like you're tacky [Chorus] Can't Dance Can't Dance Can't Dance