


Tom: E

No one seems to wanna touch this tab, so I went for it. This is the version from the
Music As A Weapon tour, and I watched the DVD far too many times to get this. It's a bit
long, but I tried to shorten it as much as possible and still make sense, they tend to
like to alter their riffs. I know it's 2 guitars, but I tabbed it for one. I think it's
pretty accurate, but not 100%. If you got a prob with it, then tab it yourself. =^.^=
Tuning :ADGBEA

Intro 1 (distortion, play it lightly)(to not in original verison)
---xxxx-   |---xxxx-----|
---xxxx-   |---xxxx-6v--|
---xxxx-X7 |---xxxx-5v--|
-4-xx22-   |-4-xx22-----|
-4-xx22-   |-4-xx22-----|
-2-xx00-   |-2-xx00-----|

Intro 2 (heavy dist.)

Verse (clean)

-repeat the first line then play:

Pre-Chorus(heavy dist.)
---------   |------|
---------   |------|
---------X2 |------|
-14~-16~-   |-2-2--|
-12~-14~-   |-2-2--|
--0~--0~-   |-0-0--|
              . .
---------------------   |------------------------------------------------|
-----9-8-------------   |-----9-8--------------111111111111111111111111--|
-----8-7-7-777-7-777-X3 |-----8-7-777777777777-101010101010101010101010--|
-9-9-7-5-7-777-7-777-   |-9-9-6-5-555555555555--8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8--|
-9-9-6-5-5-555-5-555-   |-9-9-6-5-555555555555--8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8--|
-7-7-----------------   |-7-7--------------------------------------------|
-play Intro 2
-play verse
-play pre-chorus

Extended Chorus
---------------------   |------------------------------------------------|
-----9-8-------------   |-----9-8--------------111111111111111111111111--|
-----8-7-7-777-7-777-X3 |-----8-7-777777777777-101010101010101010101010--|
-9-9-7-5-7-777-7-777-   |-9-9-6-5-555555555555--8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8--|
-9-9-6-5-5-555-5-555-   |-9-9-6-5-555555555555--8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8--|
-7-7-----------------   |-7-7--------------------------------------------|
Quick fill between chorus riffs:

---------------------   |------------------------------------|
-----9-8-------------   |-----9-8-101010101010101010101010---|
-----8-7-7-777-7-777-X3 |-----8-7--9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9---|
-9-9-7-5-7-777-7-777-   |-9-9-6-5--7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7---|
-9-9-6-5-5-555-5-555-   |-9-9-6-5--7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7---|
-7-7-----------------   |-7-7--------------------------------|
-play intro 1 (clean)
-play intro 2
-play verse with last half of end bar distorted
-play pre-chorus
-play extended chorus
-play intro 1 (clean)