The black day that's been promised Now takes its overwhelming ominous shape As the world are cloaked in shadows Like leeches it will now vacate Prefidious forsworn this former age There can be no other means to an end Visions above and beyond all earthly powers Lays the key for decimation to implent Commenced execution Impentation of death Cruelty crushed, slain Abject lifeless being Through these eyes - shallow emptiness, appears Through these eyes - change is to come Through these eyes - illusions implodes With ocular blackness may all hope be gone Extricated grandious iniquity Resonating ethereal lamentation A dimnished senescence Marks a preposterous damnation Through these eyes - shallow emptiness, appears Through these eyes - change is to come Through these eyes - illusions implodes With ocular blackness may all hope be gone As the world froze all stillness Vanished as it was never there The soothing feeling of empty hollowness As life goes blind to a vast of Nothingness