Thanks be to war and our losses before Thank God for mud and for rain We're anxious to fight and have federals in sight We'll reward their transgressions with pain We'll strike at their home, and so northwards we roam Singing "dixie" with bellies full of rum We're hungry and proud, our rebel yells loud On the banks of this place called antietam Once more unto the breach we go Our brothers are now our foes Our countrymen have lost their way We'll send them straight to hell I know that we can win the day (Make them pay) Thank God for this plight, that we may reunite Our union of equal-born men At capitol hill, they exerted their will But justice we must defend When this is through, we know it to be true That many won't make it back home Let history show what sacrifices we've known for this war When the north stands alone The field is reaped for harvest Our fellows' blood soaks the ground With every shot, more men are lost Bodies all around In the din of screams and gunfire The scales are tipped so many times Never was so little traded For so many wasted lives This morning, we were so proud May our brothers forgive our sins We have shed so much blood But in the end, no one wins Our dead now lay among us We collect our fallen brethren In grief we are united once again A solemn truce between us As silence fills the air We're all the same in the darkness of the night The cornfield, the bloody lane All shot down in ruin So much death, nothing gained But the way was paved for freedom Twenty-two thousand souls Illuminate this soil now We all look back in horror The gates of hell had opened At antietam