My parents were too scared to tell me They knew of You-Know-Who The letters came when I turned 11 That's when I learned of the magic I could do A month later, I boarded a train and Headed off for school Was separated with the first years Staring at an old hat sitting on a stool (Chorus) You might belong in Gryffindor - Where the brave at heart Set them apart; You might belong in Hufflepuff - Where the just and loyal, Aren't afraid of toil; Or yet in old Ravenclaw, If you've a ready mind, You'll find your kind; Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your friends, And use them to achieve an end. They called out students before me I knew my time was soon My heart raced as I became last Standing alone in the middle of the room McGonagall called out my name I marched up to the stool The Sorting Hat was placed on my head To tell in where I belonged in the school Where should I put you? It whispered in my ear Oh, where should I put you your very first year You don't seem all that evil Or even all that brave But, you seem quite smart Ravenclaw it is