O’ this old—this ol’ hen’s been through enough of your shit! And I’ll say when it’s over! I’ve achieved many things—great things! Never once did I get recognition You hop like somebody who can jump the world Hop high, little bunny! I'm about to share your dark secret I suggest we begin Watch how I change your life with the push of a finger Now, for a lobotomy! What’s been done has been done! That’s the difference between who you were And who you will be I’ve always worked outside the lines of rulе books That’s how I got inside your mind To see that you strut the platform to hide yoursеlf So proud of the things you’ve done Of the measures you’ve taken Ever since you were a kid You were told you could jump to the Moon If you really put your mind to it If you really put the time into it You could do it! You could possibly achieve many things—great things! Do it all for the recognition! Make it fact You could finally save the world! And I admit that I saw that inside you I’ll bring it out because that’s what I do If it doesn’t make sense I’ll find a better way—a way to make you evolve And when you feel like the sky is collapsing You can't believe it! It’s only on you If it doesn’t make sense I’ll find a better way—a way to make you evolve Your blood will flow warm today You’ll act like you’re scared and ashamed But how I know the truth! That’s the real you! Buried down deep is the crux Where you soak in the recognition When I rip out that core It’ll feel like you’re stuck in a lake full of scum Full of shit—full of muck And you won’t be hopping out Fuck! And I admit that I saw that inside you I’ll bring it out because that’s what I do If it doesn’t make sense I’ll find a better way—a way to make you evolve And when you feel like the sky is collapsing You can't believe it! It’s only on you If it doesn’t make sense I’ll find a better way—a way to make you evolve I might slip and cut you if you do not sit still