Synchronize you internal systems to become one with the superior machine Inhale the unborn air to free your spirit from pollution Find the thin red line in your dark catacombs And dive into your fears with the stupidity of an unsecure daredevil The battle against infested cells rages on inside your rotten infection Throw up your inner secrets on a rusty silver plate And forget your path of life that you thought you had chosen so well To revaluate all the injected propaganda that have been pulsating in your veins Twist your spine to paralyse your inner demons for a mere second To be free from guilt and pressure for the first time in a lifetime But soon the anaesthesia will be gone and the neurosis will bury you again And no one will ever notice your inner war for peace of mind The disruptive tumour has imprisoned you inside a melting piece of flesh And as your intestines starts to fall apart you believe your own dreams Unable to part reality from fiction your illussionary disease spreads As long as you don't give up the ghost that's been your tormentor since all this began Only your third eye knows the origin of your selfdestructive behaviour And deep inside your tomb you know that all you have to do is open it and see But your struggle to be understood is more important than to be free And slowly the body gives up and you're just another forgotten soul