WAKE ME UP Suddenly I wake from a dream Just to realize I'm in this place All this sleeping's hurting my brain My heart, my soul You had come to visit me To warn against complacency You're alive when I'm awake You make me full Don't want to sleep this life away Just want to work it out This beautiful gift You've given me With fear and trembling Wake me up, let me live Breathe Your life into me Revive this dead body walking Pour Your Spirit into me Take away this deception That has lulled me to sleep Wake me up, let me live Suddenly I open my eyes Just to see I'm buried deep Right beneath all of these lies My life's on hold Don't want to waste this time I have Just want to make it count I'm giving back this life to You With fear and trembling I can't do this on my own I need Your help alone So why don't You just jump inside me And live this life for me With nothing left to offer You I need You to pull me through All I have is my availability So here I am….