Would you shout out loud in front of a crowd That for jesus you bow down? Will you take the mark or the crown When all hell breaks loose? Will you turn away in those last days?will you forget who made you? 'cause i don't want to see you leave his mercy alone Am i being too hard on you? am i hitting home? Do you believe in eternity? that angels are singing? That church bells really do ring? in something sweet? Will you choose truth or relief? He has given you all you will need Will you reach inside when things aren't going right? Open the door wide to him He's calling so won't you listen Dine with him, receive him into your heart Will you remember all that he's done? Will you wait for the day that he comes? Will you continue your way? Forever is not just whatever you say You're only hope is to open to jesus name "behold, i stand at the door and knock. if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, i will come in to him and dine with him, and he with me." rev. 3:20