Not every one that saith unto me, lord, lord Shall enter into the kingdom of heaven But he that death the will of my father which is in heaven Many will say to me in that day, lord, lord Have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you Depart from me, ye that work iniquity Not good enough, is the thought that's dwellin' in my mind I thought that I could see but I Was really spiritually blind Goin' ta' church on Sunday, then Monday, smokin' on a spliff An' still be thinkin' I could up lift The name of Christ with my hands waived up in da' air Livin' a double life and swearin' tha' lord was in one accord Wit' all the things that I chose to do But servin' two gods homie be like bein' a blood And you be sportin' blue, you say It ain't true homie don't take it from me Read it yo'self Matthew chapter 7 21-23, it happened to me a pastors kid Never did a bid Thinkin' I could live a lukewarm life, and Carry a knife, in my left hand And in my right carry a bible, shout revival, then shake it Twice for my survival But little did I know that it would all come to an end walkin' home From school on a Friday with a unsaved friend I seen my dads car wrecked down the Street, so I ran to see if he was alive But no one was inside, I couldn't believe my eyes What was goin' on? So I ran to the house to see if I could get tha' info from my mom The door was wide open so ran frantically down the hall Shoutin' and screamin', but no one Seemed to hear my call, was I dreamin', or could it really be? The rapture happened and The lord took everyone except for me?! I dropped to my knees and prayed, but couldn't Feel the spirit The way I could before when he was knockin' at my hearts door, so here I Am alone in a world that's straight up dark And if I want to buy some clothes or eat they Say that I got to take the mark Now its my choice take it or starve I quickly take my pick I choose to rob and steal steal 'cause I'll never take the six six six!! I jump in a stolen car, get On the freeway headin' east 'Cause they'll cut off my head if I don't take the mark of the beast To all my homeboys and homegirls I say you better get right ('Cause when Christ comes back its like a thief in tha' night) To all my homeboys and homegirls I say you better get right ('Cause when Christ comes back its like a thief in tha' night) Its 3 months later, in an abandoned building I live Constantly duckin' an' dodgin' 'cause I'm Known as a fugitve, I'm frustrated mentally aggravated But I gotta last 'cause I know Jesus ain't Comin' back for a second pass I blast just to stay alive I'm goin' insane, 'cause like ice-t ta' Me its all about surviving the game If I would have only searched for it from the start when I had a chance I wouldn't be here suffrin' For all the things that I did in the past, but I Thought the life I lived in gods eyes was enough To go to church on Sunday and keep my Bible from collecting dust, what's going on I'm surrounded I guess they found my hiding Place, 'cause all I see is Uzis Glocks and nines pointed at my face They say renounce your God or die, so I reply the lord is my savior As the tears run down my eyes, my time has Finally come I guess I'm ret'ta'go To my fathers paradise a place where sinners will never Know, they walk me up the platform its execution time Now on the heavenly stage is the Only place I rhyme, they lay me down Its only seconds till I'm gone and dead Please God have mercy, somebody catch my head