I can make the devil turn back. ‘Cause in the ringside we are all dressed black. And my behavior isn’t always the best. Don’t ever listen to your request I am out for a day or two. That is why I’m coming after you. I’m going in with a death spin. It doesn’t matter if I lose or win. Out, on rock’n’roll parole Out, on rock’n’roll parole There is nothing you can do. Take cover that’s my advice to you. One night is all I ever need. Then I’ll rock you, hold on to your creed I am out for a day or two. That is why I’m coming after you. I’m going in with a death spin. It doesn’t matter if I lose or win. Out, on rock’n’roll parole Out, on rock’n’roll parole I left my conscious behind And I left a trace that is easy to find I am out for a day or two. That is why I’m coming after you. I’m going in with a death spin. It doesn’t matter if I lose or win Out, on rock’n’roll parole. Out, on rock’n’roll parole.