Syron Vanes

Hellion Child

Syron Vanes

Dark angel spell’s you’re name in blood.
Let the flames begin to burn your wings.
The devil ride’s besides telling you.
The story about the ruler of kings.

Self destruction.
Chain reaction.
Blood attraction.

Cry for the hellion child.
Sympathy made of steel.

No fire heals your stone cold heart.
Show no mercy only hate.
There’s a bomb exploding in your soul.
Don’t need much to detonate.

Self destruction.
Chain reaction.
Blood attraction.

Feel the magic of the devil’s breath.
A tragic hero of sudden death.
Ride between heaven and hell.
Hear the sound of the ringer’s bell.

Cry for the hellion child.
Cry for the hellion child.
Sympathy made of steel.
Cry for the hellion child.
Power is the driving wheel.
Cry for the hellion child.
Do you know if he’s for real.
Cry for the hellion child.
Hellion child.