"Porque hão de surgir falsos cristos e falsos profetas, e farão sinais e prodígios para enganar, se possível, até os escolhidos" Mateus, 24:24 God greedy and double face Preaching false trues But in the kingdom of darkness The badness you can't suborn I'll have pleasure with your disgrace Your money is a joke for me With your life and your millions The satan also enjoys Your word is a morbid book Your brain is getting poor Your voice prays the extermination Do you still believe in salvation? Atheist, do you have religion? Do you believe in salvation? Now, it doesn't matter Your life in my hands The bell rings Announcing one more cadaver One more cave To your religion She talks about nonsense legend Doesn't help you with anything You get crazy in her name And they accuse you to be atheist That's your new testament It's getting over How can we believe If nothing is eternal?